

Friday, January 30, 2009



Most children Start speaking fluently by the age of six or seven. It is only about five per cent of children who have diffi­culties in some aspects of the spoken language. These children are said to have specific language impair­ment, says a recent issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. This defect was found to be hereditary. Children with de­fective speech most likely have an elder in the family with the same disorder and, in case of twins it is possible that both may have the problem. Many susceptible areas have been identified in the brain and this has brought up the question as to which genes are involved. Since all the speech defects are not the same, the causes that have been proposed in­clude deficits in short-term hearing memory, sequencing of hearing and rapid process­ing. Children with differentspeech disorders can belong to different genetic types. They may have difficulty in repeat­ing some particular words due to a short-term memory impair­ment or may have pronouncing disabilities- Others may have difficulty in coordinating be­tween hearing and speech when asked to repeat some spoken words. Such children ark classed as having speech dys°fluencv, dyspraxia or stut­ter. In 1990 some researchers made an attempt to discover the gene that causes speech defects when they came across a British family with three gen­erations affected with speech dyspraxia. They also had low IQ level and learning disorders. It was identified that F'OXY2 protein which had many targets in the brain, suppressed a gene which lead to language im­pairment. It is difficult to exclusively identify the cause for different clinical pictures of speech dis­orders and the relationship with other neurological defi­cits. How genetic and environ­mental factors affect language and language disorders is still not fully understood.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

wall paper



Thursday, January 1, 2009


IMPORTANT NOTE 1870 's also saw voluminous and luxurious dressing. Sewing machine was also invented and the aniline dyes were also introduced and all kinds of bright colours came into fashion. It became fashionable to wear blouses and skirts of different colours.
The bonet gave way to hats, very small hats perched over the top of the head on top of a mass of hair in curls or plaits, mostly wigs. The shape of hair styled in shape of the dress which were mysteriously draped with arranged trimmings mostly one sided and curiously fastened in the back.



By 1894 the bicycle had become immenselypopular among both sexes, this made it inevitable that some kind of bifurcated
t should be worn by ladies, since it was impossible to ride a bicycle in a skirt especially
 heavily Laced and with a long trail
Divided skirt was one solution and so were baggy knickerbockers (Pants) called "bloomers". It created quite an excitement but finally women succeeded in wearing the jacket, skirt and shirt
waisters and tailored suit came in vogue

ridiculed, discouraged and scorned by many at the time, but the movement did eventually achieve its aims as women began to lead more active lives and rigid corsets became unfashionable.

IMPORTANT NOTE Bicycle was becoming more a useful mode of commuting among men and women everyday. Special dresses were designed for this purpose in 1878 to 1880. There is little difference between male costume in the 1880s and in the 1890's except for the increasing use of the informal attire. Trousers in the 1890's were of the peg-top variety and dashing young men began to wear them with turn-ups. These still however were looked with disfavour, but one of the English law maker used them in the house of commons in 1893. The bustle worn by women finally disappeared in 1890's. Dresses now were smooth over the hips and made to fit more snugly